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Forecast October 2021. Static Saturn.

October. It is the time for many unfoldings.

To be truthful - the month of October is going to be very active and intense as there are many cosmic energy flows of dirrefent kinds and directions.

Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto are turning direct and this is already tells us about seriuos changes in social processes, restructruring and reorganization on many levels.

Mars, the god of war Ares in ancient Greek mythology is highly active and conjuncting Sun during all month of October 2021. Thus, if it is not a fitsfight or military actions then we should start running or at least jogging in October, doing any kind of sports so that we avoid the tension and conflicts. Sex might be a good option as well if we would like to go with the flow in the positive way.

To sum up - the month of October is full of active energy thus carries the risk of accidents as well.

And while we are going to monitor world news with one eye closed let me tell you how we can live through these energies in a positive ways.

Lets start with Saturn. Saturn is static from 7th till 16th October 2021. The peak of the static period is from 11 till 14th October 2021.

  • Support the immunity system as many chronic diseases may escalate. Take care of your spine, back, joints, teeth.

  • Try to keep cool about forced circumstances, there can be a feeling of being pressured and restricted - it would pass.

If you would like to go with a flow try to saddle saturnian energy by yourself - make restriction by your own initiative.
  • For example, limit sugar, cofee or bakery. It would be a good period for this. Structure your nutrition, detox (especially considering that Pluto is static too).

  • Go to bed early and wake up early – Saturn like regime. Make everything in order in your home, head and body.

  • Saturn is about relationships with thise who are older -our bosses, fathers and husbands (if they are older). Chronic may escalate there as well 😊

  • Saturn energy can make you feel cold on emotional and physical level so dress warm, get up with sunrise and don't fall into discouragement if it comes.

  • Fix your debts.

  • Saturn is associated with a solitude so choose a day or couple of hours when you can be by yourself, concentrate, meditate. Yoga would be also very helpful.

  • Saturn is about boundaries as well - think about yours - what is acceptable for you and what is not. Define your boundaries and remeber that others have them too.

  • State and bureacratic bodies may work with the delay so contact them only in case of emergency but better stay away until after October 18, 2021.

  • Renovations and repairs are also recommended to start after October 18, 2021.

So, in October the energy of Saturn would be felt strongly and in order to live it through in a positive way and avoid negative influences, I recommend deliberately introducing Saturnian energies into your life in the month of October according to the recommendations given above.

Let me know how was your October and if this information was useful.

Have a great month filled with joy and no sugar! :)

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